29 Nov 2018

Most effective ways to overcome wan acceleration problem

Do you realize the importance of wan optimization products?  If you find out that your wide area network links are slow, then effective solutions are the WAN optimization controllers. These products can breathe life into slow networks.

Techniques for increasing data flow efficiency

The methods employed for maximization of the efficacy of data transmission across the wide area network is termed as WAN acceleration. You have decided to go in for WAN optimization products. However, you need to choose the right vendor. Keep in mind that you will have to avail of various optimization techniques for taking care of different performance problems. You should ask questions to the vendors while choosing the products so that you come up with the right solution.

wan acceleration

Bandwidth limitation

One of the primary factors that can influence the network performance is bandwidth. It is possible to overcome the issue of bandwidth limitations with WAN acceleration options available on the website of wanos.co. The techniques involve the use of deduplication for addressing this issue. A question that may come into your mind is the amount of bandwidth that should be sufficient for your purpose. Latency and percentage of packet loss can play a significant role in the amount of data transfer.

Data deduplication

An optimized product with one Gbps Wan bandwidth has a higher capacity than a fifty Mbps Wan bandwidth. For exploiting the full capacity of the product, simultaneous connections are required instead of just one connection. For full capacity utilization of each connection, data deduplication plays an important function.

An overview

The deduplication technique inspects incoming data. Then a hashing algorithm is utilized for the creation of a unique fingerprint. Then a single dictionary is built with the collection of prints obtained from other optimization systems. Then the next step is the detection of repetitive patterns through a comparative study of the fingerprints. The outgoing data is replaced wherever necessary with instructions as necessary and then reinserted. These steps lead to an expansion of the bandwidth.

wan acceleration

Packet loss

Across the WAN network, there are quite a few reasons responsible for packet loss. Sometimes congestion may occur on the route. In such cases, there is a mismatch between the capacities of the link with a load of traffic. The capacity is failing to provide support to the amount of traffic, and as a result, some packets may get discarded. The high capacity LAN comes in contact with a low capacity LAN at the entrance to WAN and the result is congestion.

Effective solution

The performance of an application may be significantly impacted even with small amounts of data loss. High round trip time on a link may result in a significant loss with the slashing of standard TCP. The right optimization solutions may be used for the mitigation of the effects of packet loss. Use these solutions to improve the performance of the application during incidents of packet loss.

Decide wisely

Do a detailed study on the internet to come up with a list of names of some of the well-known vendors providing WAN solutions. Choose the one which suits your purpose after running a check at their service offering.

 Wanos Networks

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